Salesforce Summer ‘18 Release: Nonprofit Need-to-Knows
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We know the question that’s been on your mind. We’ve been thinking about it too. As a nonprofit organization, what do you need to know about Salesforce’s 2018 Summer Release?
With over 200 new features, it can be overwhelming to figure out how the updates will affect your organization. After all, it’s vital that you stay on top of new features so that you don’t end up drowning in the future. And to be prepared, all you have to do is read the 554 pages of release notes.
Just kidding! We’ve got the highlights for you! There are some great new features specifically for NPSP. Most of the upgrades are in Lightning mode, so if you haven’t made the leap yet, you should.
Nonprofit Need-to-Knows
Customizable Rollups
Customizable Rollups are NPSP’s newest feature! Wishing you could see more from your reports? Not seeing enough data on Accounts or Contacts? Rollups are key, and they’ve gotten better! From NPSP settings, you can create and control all rollup fields in the entire organization and customize them with filters, and you can create Rollups on Lookup fields. OMG!
Soft Credit Automation in NPSP
You have much more control over how you apply soft credits. Control who receives credit based on Relationships, Affiliations, organizations, or Households.
Enabling Platform Encryption in NPSP
Does your organization store sensitive data? Encrypt Account name, Account address, Account website, Contact name, Contact address, and Contact title. Additional and customized encryption is available, just contact Salesforce or we can help!
Sending emails is much simpler. You can send emails from the Campaign record. Send emails to all or some Campaign Members in just a few clicks from the Contact or the Campaign list view.
Improved Lightning Reports
Filter on old and new value fields (when History Tracking is enabled), and on blank picklist values. Customize date selection with open-ended dates and type-in dates. Create Report subfolders. Export formatted reports. Create joined reports with up to 5 reports in one. Lightning Reports are another reason to migrate to Lightning!
Drag and Drop Tabs
In Lightning mode, you can now drag and drop Tabs to reorder them: something we’ve wanted for a while now.
New List Views
You can filter list-views now by Team, Campaign, and Queue.
Tasks Tasks Tasks!
Tasks are a great way to record your users’ efforts, and Salesforce has helped make them more usable. They now have their own Tab as well as custom List Views that will give your Users a perfect view of their, and their team’s, work. You can also assign Tasks to multiple Users and/or Groups.
Surveys are Brand New
We’re also excited about the new Surveys feature, which allows you to create beautifully-branded surveys to share with Users or within the Community Cloud (however both of these functions do come with User license fees).
Does your organization need help with preparing for the Summer ’18 release? Know anyone’s who might? Buzzbold is running a special Summer Get Together promotion for nonprofits in St Louis and around the world. Give a little, get a little. Check it out or introduce a nonprofit!