Josh Aranda from Mission Matters Group has given the following teaser, and we’re sending everyone we can!
This time around we are going to revisit reporting. Summary reports, Matrix Reports, Cross Filters… We will cover it all!
If you have not used Salesforce reports, you can take a look at this video to get familiar with the Report Builder here.
We will do about 30-45 minutes of slicing and dicing some data and then open up to group Q & A. Our group discussion will also include sharing any tricks and tips that have been encountered since our last meeting.
Lunch will be provided so if you have any dietary restrictions please email Joshua Aranda at
If you haven’t attended before, no worries. All skill and experience levels are respresented, and every meeting truly offers something for everyone, and most importantly offers connections to others like you.
Get a head start
Looking to preview/review before you attend? Check out our recent post on Salesforce reporting, along with a YouTube playlist to get your gears turning.
Not in St. Louis?
Not in St. Louis, but looking to get connected to a live community? You have options. Check out this growing list of nonprofit Salesforce users, admins, and practitioners. If there isn’t one in your area, don’t forget, the Power of Us Hub is everyone’s virtual user group.